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avril 28, 2016 1 Commentaire


*by Candy Company

As soon as I got the freeze-dried raspberries in my hand, I knew that one of the desserts I will make with them will be meringues. I never experimented with raspberry meringue but I knew that it must go :) this time I dared to try the meringue layer cake. I wanted to take some nice pictures so I bought flowers, I found some styling remnants of the old service of my grandmother and I used a box newly purchased on the flea market.

Layer cake made with lyo powders

The cake came out to be delightfully girly, something between the English tea and the atmosphere in the style of Marie Antoinette.

Layer cake made with lyo powders

The raspberry powder gives the meringue the soft pink color. If you do not care about the ombre effect, you don't have to use additional food coloring. I wanted to have ombre... so I added food coloring gel. If you want to achieve the right color gradation, a large amount of food coloring is required, and this changes the consistency of the meringue. One must be careful not to let the meringue get rubbery.
Meringue layer cake is delicious and sweet with a distinct hint of raspberry. As soon as fresh strawberries come I will try a strawberry version with strawberry powder and fresh fruits!

Ingredients for a high layer cake with a diameter of approx. 20 cm.

300 g of egg-white, approx. 8 eggs (2 x 150 g)
450 g caster sugar (225 g x 2)
8 teaspoons of freeze-dried raspberry powder (2 x 3 teaspoons)
optional food coloring powder
The drying for meringues takes a long time so best method is to make it into two days.
On a large baking tray lined with baking paper draw two circles with a diameter of approx. 20 cm (can be less - important is to leave a gap between the meringues).  Egg-white and sugar put in a bowl and on a water bath and heat up stirring constantly, until the meringue reaches temp. 60 ° C - if you do not have a confectionery thermometer, the meringue is ready when all the sugar is dissolved and mixture is hot. Note not to overheat the meringues!
When the meringue reaches the proper temperature, take the bowl out of the water bath and whip the meringue until it is white, shiny and stiff - approx. 10 minutes. At the end  add 3 teaspoons raspberry powder and optional food coloring.
Put the meringue onto the baking tray and form two tops. Dry it in an oven preheated to 90 ° C for approx. 3 hours; cool it in the oven. Keep the ready meringues tightly wrapped in aluminum foil.
Act similarly preparing the other two tops.


100g mascarpone cheese
150 g sweet cream
1-2 teaspoons powdered sugar
approx. 300 - 400 g of fresh raspberries
Mix the mascarpone cheese with sweet cream and powdered sugar. Layer the cake with cream and fresh raspberries and serve!
Eat on the day of preparation.

Bon Appetit!

Layer cake made with lyo powders

1 Réponse


juin 21, 2017

I love this cake!!! Thank you for blogging about it.
Very Nice Article…

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